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Dance Lectures & Workshops
Watch all the amazing lectures filmed at dance camps. Every lesson is full of incredible dance information from the world best judges & coaches.
We highly recommend you prepare your notebook and review every lesson at least twice to get the most!
Sam Sodano | American Rumba
American rhythm is growing in popularity across the world. In this lesson Sam will explain straight back leg, bent knees & cuban motion for figures to help you practice.
Shirley Ballas | Mabo Camp
Latin dancing icon Shirley Ballas teaches jive kicks technique incorporating different figures and a short routine to help you practice.
Eugene Katsevman | Mabo Camp
In this lesson Eugene makes cuban motion so fun. Using many different analogies to drive the point home in regards to his movements.
Maurizio Vescovo | Mabo Camp
Reverse samba rolls can be very difficult. Hopefully after learning what Maurizio will teach in this lecture it will become easier to understand and apply.
Espen Salberg | Mabo Camp
In this lecture Espen discusses a range of important topics. Partnering, connection & rumba routine full of wonderful choreography all in one video.
Joanna Leunis | Mabo Camp
Joanna Leunis is a multiple time world professional latin champion.
This is your chance to learn from her the secrets to improve & expression of movement.
This is your chance to learn from her the secrets to improve & expression of movement.
Nicola Nordin | Mabo Camp
Nicole talks about and demonstrates techniques for improved connection, timing & partnering.
Markus Homm | Mabo Camp
n this jive lesson Markus discusses connection, elasticity & creates a very fun routine so you can try all of the topics.
Darren Bennett | Mabo Camp
Darren Bennett makes this lecture so much fun to learn. His energy and excitement for teaching really shine in this video.
Darren discusses & showcases some very important techniques that can help revolutionize your jive technique.
Enjoy & revisit this video often!
Darren discusses & showcases some very important techniques that can help revolutionize your jive technique.
Enjoy & revisit this video often!
Graham Oswick | Mabo Camp
Graham Oswick uses a multituide of exercises to help create better connection between you and any partner you dance with.
Juri Batagelj | Mabo Camp
Juri makes teaches through the medium of storytelling. This lesson is amazing because it is not your traditional approach to teaching.
Alex Ivanets | Mabo Camp
Alex leads an incredible lesson full of techniques, theory & exercises that can help you expand your understanding of movement.
Melinda | Mabo Camp
Watch a brilliant dance lecture based around the rhythms, posture & technique for samba taught by a latin legend.
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